Qaitbay - meaning and definition. What is Qaitbay
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What (who) is Qaitbay - definition

Al-Ashraf Sayf ad-Din Qaitbay; Al-Ashraf Sayf ad-Din Qa'it Bay; Qaitbey; Kait Bey
Al-Ashraf Sayf ad-Din Qa'it Bay () (c. 1416/1418 – 1496) foi o décimo-oitavo Sultão mameluco Burji do Egito de 872 a 901 do calendário islâmico (1468-1496 do calendário ocidental).
Cidadela de Qaitbay         
A Cidadela de Qaitbay (ou Forte de Qaitbay) () é uma fortaleza construída no século XV localizada na costa do mar mediterrâneo, em Alexandria, no Egito. Foi construído por ordens do sultão Al-Ashraf Sayf al-Din Qa'it Bay em 1477 (ano 882 no calendário islâmico).
Examples of use of Qaitbay
1. An outstanding example is a richly decorated minbar (or pulpit) commissioned for a mosque in Cairo by Sultan Qaitbay, who ruled Egypt in the late 15th century.
2. Israeli authorities, Salah said, were bent on stalling any project concerning the renovation of the Al Aqsa Mosque and called for establishing an international Islamic fund «to preserve the occupied Jerusalem, its mosques, houses, lands and sanctities.» Salah, who was indicted several times by Israeli courts and subsequently imprisoned, pointed out that a large crater was formed near the Qaitbay fountain, only 50 meters away from the Dome of the Rock.